Monday, June 21, 2010

Is there anything wrong with the American Dream?

This video is an intro to the book Radical by David Platt. I'm always up for a good kick in the pants, so I thought I would pass this on for others to "enjoy" as well.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How much have we accomplished in a year?

One year ago today, I posted a blog concerning Finishing the Task (FTT) which is an effort by some of the major missions organizations to see church planting work started among the least reached people groups of the world. When they started promoting groups that were unengaged by missionaries or Christian work, there were 639 people groups with more than 100,000 in population numbering over 535 million people total. Here are the statistics one year later:

The FTT website states that now, of the original 639 unreached, unengaged people groups:
* 26 remain unengaged. No one is trying to reach them. (144 on June 1, 2009)
* 167 are adopted but not engaged. (146 on June 1, 2009)
* 403 are engaged with church planting. (308 on June 1, 2009)
* 354 have known believers. (299 on June 1, 2009)
* 168 have at least one known church. (69 on June 1, 2009)

Not bad for a year, but let's do more! There are still 600 evangelical churches for every unreached people group. This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come (Mt. 24:14). Join us in praying for the unreached people group of the day.