Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sign up for your local Perspectives class

We have found that one of the most powerful missions mobilization tools is the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course. They are offered online and all over the U.S. A number of our missionary training school students have shared during their testimonies that the Perspectives class was instrumental in whetting their appetite for getting involved with long-term missions. I highly encourage everyone to take this course or to host one if it is not offered in your area. The course can also be used for college credit. Let us know if you have any other highly effective tools for getting people involved in praying, giving, going, and mobilizing others to get involved with the unreached people groups of the earth.

1 comment:

  1. FYI-if your local Perspectives course does not offer what you are looking for in terms of credit, get in touch with the coordinator via the website. We were able to partner with an area seminary to offer DMin credit for one of our students, and it resulted in some huge things for the Kingdom! Never hurts to ask. Thanks, Grant, for getting the word out about this fantastic course.
